“Here’s your Sex For One, Matt.” -Angie
“Their unholy union has been consumated.” -Natalie
“I heard ‘wrassle with your boyfriend’!” -Chandra
“I’m pouring water everywhere!” -Josh
“Watch out! It’ll stain!” -Chandra
“Hey, you just called me.” -Keri
“It doesn’t fit in the hole.” -Joel
“It’s all about the calk in the drain.” -Angie
“I agree. It’s all about the cock.” -Natalie
“All Satan’s creatures are my brothers and sister.” -Chandra
“He’s hot! He gets me all wet and stuff.” -Natalie on President George W. Bush
“As in… It jiggles!!” -Michael
“We all have our weaknesses. Mine is pizza.” -Michael
“My pants are too short! I grew!” -Britney Spears
“You don’t understand; the yellow polo goes great with my Superman jersey.” -Matt
“I actually look smart.” -Matt
“How do you spell foot? F-O-A-T?” -Angie
“Chandra’s been waitin’ to tap Mrs. Butterworths since she got here.” -Joel
“I would have gone with Devo. Fucker.” -Joel
“Try Tom Jones. He covers everything.” -Josh
“Anyone seen our syrup tap?” -Josh
“They turn into Ranch pancakes? Because you’re such a cowboy?” -Chandra
“Damn, I forgot to grab my sack.” -Matt
“God did that twice when I called him. He said, ‘Like, NO!'” -Keri
“What’s colorful all over his crotch?” -Joel
“I used to move my mom a lot.” -Joel
“That’s because you can’t capture an entire fucking chorus with just one voice. Duh.” -Chandra
“All balls go to heaven.” -Chandra
“The pickles have been devoured.” -Damned Anonymous Quote!
“In case of a water landing, your Savior can be used as a flotation device.” -Sarah
“I’ve got a huge bruise on my ass! I don’t know how it got there!” -Natalie
“It’s just not going in!” -Angie
“My ass at the Internet!” -Natalie
“Have you seen the giant cock?” -Ben
“Usually when someone says that to me it’s not because htey’re holding an animal cracker.” -Natalie
“How about ‘douche’?” -Angie
“I feel bad for the guy who’s number is 255-7474.” -Sarah
“I’m in!” -All phone bitches (Repeatedly! Often!)
“It’s going up my butt!” -Keri
“Is any of the music on KVSC good?” -Keri
“Well… um… I guess not.” -Michael
“Can I cover it with aluminum foil?” -Michael, in reference to the chili in the microwave
“I swear, there’s some women in there with ass implants.” -Angie
“That woman is a dildo.” -Michael on Jo McMullen
“Except that I’d get $24,000 from her life insurance. but I told her I wouldn’t bump her off until she was worth more than that.” -Michael on his wife, Sarah
“We could play Twiser, if we’re all wearing thongs.” -LeAnna
“What’s our team name?” -LeAnna
“I need to hear that visual trivia again.” -Liv
“I like Liv’s quote.” -Sarah
“Be less stupid!” -Joel o the phone bank
“This is team 30 with an answer for question three. It’s all fun and games until I… Hang up on you!” -Leanna
“Does somebody want to eat the lone pickle of the apocolypse?” -Natalie